What I’m doing now.

I first published this page on February 7, 2024. The purpose is to share what I’m up to and working on currently.

I’m sitting at Nero Cafe at Coulsdon and listening to Clem Leek. 

Sabbatical Leave

On January 28, I took a sabbatical leave at TransferGo for the first time in my career. I needed it after a challenging and emotional period at work. Despite all the business-as-usual challenges, I lost my drive and motivation to show up. I have been exhausted and unhappy since Christmas break, mainly due to a need for more progress in building a high-performance product organisation.

All in all, I enjoy and appreciate the time off. I spend more time with my family, sitting, thinking, reading, relaxing, exercising, and doing nothing. It’s calm and pleasant. 

Being a Father 

Leja turns one year and five months today. Congratulations, my little princess. I’m blessed to have you in my life. You bring joy, happiness and healthy challenges to our lives. The whole experience of being a father gives a new perspective on life. Seeing a little human growing up and developing so fast is fascinating. You’re getting more intelligent and cheeky every day. You inspire us while we keep learning how to be the best parents for you. As if it was a book about you, but you know we can write one together, a cheeky one with lots of smiles about family time, food time, playtime, bath time and sleep time. You can’t tell how much you love us yet, but you can certainly tell when you are hungry: amam, amam, amam.  

You started a nursery on December 12, 2023. It was emotional for the first few weeks to leave you alone in a strange place with people you don’t know and who speak a different language than you’re used to at home. On top of that, we all started getting sick often while building our immune systems to defend against invisible friends at the nursery. By now, I’m glad it’s getting easier to leave you there, and we hope you enjoy all the activities and learning opportunities.

Web3 and Blockchains  

I’m rediscovering my interest in Web3 and Blockchains, going deep and wide simultaneously to get myself up to speed. The industry has had many ups and downs in the last ten years, a lot of damage done by bad actors, but it’s exciting to see the technology fundamentals still in place. I’m excited to see how Web3, AI and Communities will come together to solve problems benefiting individuals the most instead of governments and big corporations. I’m reading a lot from Vitalik Buterin and Fred Wilson these days.

This page was inspired by Joel Gascoigne and his /now page, who was inspired by Derek Sivers and his /now page and the story behind it.